CS 257: Software Design

Web Application, Phase 4: database design and population

Based on our in-class discussion of database design principles, you will separate your data into a collection of tables that will support the efficient search and combination of data to serve the needs of your API (which serves the needs of your user interface, which serves the needs of some people, which is the ultimate goal).

The essential concept of database normalization is discussed on tons of pages on the internet. Mostly, these pages are confusing. But here's a pretty good one with a clear running example. Check it out.

What to hand in for Phase 4

Create a text file webapp/phase4.txt. In this file, include:

Note that I am not asking you to demonstrate that you have gotten your data actually added to your tables in postgresql on perlman. But you need to do that, too. That's the "population" part of the title of this phase. You need to populate your tables with actual data. See the psql lab from last weekend for guidance.