CS 257: Software Design

Autocomplete: the show-down

In this lab exercise, you are going to try running your tests on another team's Autocompleter.java.

Running the tests

  1. Make sure you're sitting with your team, and that one member of your team has a laptop ready for running IntelliJ projects.
  2. Make sure your git repository is all up to date: committed, pulled, pushed, etc.
  3. Identify another team to work with (ideally, a team sitting at your table). If three teams want to get together, that's fine.
  4. Share your Autocompleter.java file with the other team. You can do this via Slack direct message, adding the other team as a collaborator on your GitHub repository, email attachment, or whatever.
  5. Replace your Autocompleter.java with the other team's Autocompleter.java.
  6. In the new Autocompleter.java, change the "package" line to be consistent with your team's package statement.
  7. Open your Autocomplete project in IntelliJ, open AutocompleterTest.java, and run the tests using the play buttons in the left margin.
  8. Will it all compile? Run the tests without crashing? Pass your tests? You won't know until you try. Work with the other team to resolve any problems getting the tests to run, and then put together the report below.
  9. When you're done, you can get back your own Autocompleter.java by cd'ing to the directory containing Autocompleter.java, and doing "git checkout -- Autocompleter.java".

What to hand in

Create a text file test-results.txt in your Autocomplete directory. To be clear, you will be providing a report on the results when you ran your tests on somebody else's Autocompleter implementation. When you're done writing this report, add it to your repository, commit it, and push it. Do as much as you have time for in class today, and then don't worry about it after that. This will be a 5-point "did you do it at all?" assignment, where you get the points if you showed up and did the basic thing with the time allotted.

Here's what should go in test-results.txt.

Have fun!