- Add several in-class lab exercises. Topics: git, debugging in an IDE,
JavaFX, automation with make and/or python,...
- Scale back the web application somehow to make room for a few more short topics (e.g. the labs
listed above) and a bit more time for interaction design and design patterns.
Lose the AJAX? Make the front-end trivial and focus mostly on the API? Not sure.
- Keep trying to find a better project for the early TDD phase of the course. The tic-tac-toe was OK, like the
previous attempts, but still not great. It's not a compelling application, among other things.
- Either make Kinda-Pong look better, or make it super-clear that its appearance is unacceptable
in a final project. That thing is ugly.
- Sprites project needs a complete rethink. Simplest change: give them an example of a more complex
sprite, composed of multiple pieces. Alternatively, come up with something that dives deeper
into inheritance and DPs.