CS 257: Software Design

Web Application, Phase 4

For this phase, you'll complete your web application. You will produce a functioning website based on your API, providing people convenient and pleasant-to-use access to a variety of ways to search and view your chosen database.

Components of the final product

Your web application should be left running at your 51XX-numbered assigned port on thacker (forgotten your port numbers? see Getting Started With Flask). The "/" route (i.e. http://thacker.mathcs.carleton.edu:51XX/) should return your site's home page. Of course, for your web application to run, your API will also need to be running. Leave it running too, listening at your 52XX-numbered port.

Your cs257 repository, tagged with "webapp_phase4", should contain the following.

Grading rubric

Phase 4 grading will be graded as follows:

25 points = 5 (runs with nontrivial actions without crashing) + 5 (appropriate breadth of features) + 5 (usability) + 7 (code organization and style) + 2 (extra awesomeness)

Code review

On Friday, May 12, we'll have code reviews during class. You can use the feedback you receive during this session to do some final polishing of your project.

You should prepare for the code review session like so:

During your code review session:

Technical notes

Other notes