CS257 Final project
Due 5:00PM Monday, June 7, 2004

Graph builder

As you know, graphs (the ones with nodes and edges, not the y = x^2 kind) are among the most general and versatile data structures. Any time you're working on a problem with items that have pairwise relationships, there's a good chance you'll need a graph of some kind. If you're using graphs, then you'll be using graph algorithms, too: depth-first search, breadth-first search, Dijkstra's algorithm, computation of minimal spanning trees, discovery of connected components, etc.

If you implement any of these algorithms, you're going to need to test them. And to test them, you'll need a collection of sample graphs. That's where this project comes in. You are going to create a graphical user interface program that enables people to build and save graphs.

The appearance and functioning of this program are entirely up to you. I have a few ideas that you might want to think about, however. Here they are:

What to hand in

Hand in the following (in a directory named "final") via HSP by 5:00PM Monday, June 7, 2004.

Things I care about


Start early, have fun, and keep in touch.

Have a great summer and beyond.