
Sample code

Jeff's repo for this term



Core subcommands:

git status -- [USE THIS!] it tells you what's staged, modified, untracked, etc. git add file -- stage the file so it will be added/updated on the next commit git add directory -- stage all files in the directory for the next commit git commit -m "message" -- commit staged changes with specified log message git pull -- [DO THIS BEFORE PUSHING!!] grab the latest changes from github's copy of the repo git push -- send your committed changes to github's copy of the repo


git tag -a tagname -m "message" -- add a tag git tag -a tagname -m "message" name -- add a tag pointing to the named commit (e.g. name might be like efe0b4018ed54bc1fc8dee579d71d1ff029f5287) git push origin tagname -- push your tags to github git tag --list -- list the existing tags git tag -d tagname -- delete your local copy of the specified tag git push origin --delete tagname -- delete the copy of the tag from github's copy of the repo

psql basics

Launch psql with your postgresql user name:

psql -U user-name database-name

The psql prompt:

The rest of these are "psql directives"—stuff you type at the psql prompt.

Other links