CS257 Software Design Wednesday, 5 October 2022 + Questions about books revisions? + Next: databases - Why not just CSV? - Scalability: big datasets don't fit in memory - RDBMS in general Relational DataBase Management System - MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite,... and PostgreSQL - Tables + query language books id title publication_date 1 Emma 1815 2 The Candy House 2021 Query language SELECT title, publication_year FROM books WHERE publication_date >= '1990-01-01' AND publication_date <= '1999-12-31' + Example: books, authors - the books table (terminology battle: "books" vs. "book") - the authors table - the books_authors table + Adding publishers (let's do this Friday) - one-to-many, many-to-many, etc. - ... + Summary - SQL: for creating, deleting, modifying, and searching tables - PostgreSQL/postgresql/postgres: the particular software that allows you to use SQL - Client/server architecture - postgresqld -