CS257 Software Design Friday, 16 September 2022 1. Windows - Keeping documentation updated - OneDrive - Desktop, Documents - In WSL [if you have OneDrive] /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/OneDrive/Documents <-- *, writable /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/OneDrive/Desktop <-- not writable (?) /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Documents <-- different from * (?), writable /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Desktop <-- doesn't exist? - In WSL [if you don't] /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Documents <-- different from * (?), writable /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Desktop <-- not writable (?) ls -l /mnt/c/Users/YOURUSERNAME 2. In Unix, how can you tell whether something is writable? - See permissions: ls -l (-l = "long form") - Permissions: rwxrwxrwx 3. Questions on anything? 4. Small-group discussion model v0.1 - Get together in groups of 4-6 - Grab a spot where you can all comfortably see and hear each other (next-door labs are probably empty if you want to go there) - If Jeff joins you, roll with it - Start general Go around the circle and mention one thing you thought was interesting/cool/unexpected/etc. Don't hurry through this--let the conversation flow if it flows naturally after somebody mentions an interesting idea. - Start talking about the specific questions from Jeff (if any) - Once you've been talking for 10 minutes, if there's anybody who hasn't said anything, pause and ask what they think. Get everybody's voice (including yours!) into the discussion. - Keep going - Pick a reporter (different person every time) and 1-3 brief highlights from your discussion 5. Discussion of Krug, Chapters 1-5 - General reactions, observations - How (if at all) will this change the way you think about websites as you use the internet? - How might this affect the software you write? - Satisficing/scanning is real - Creator's motives matter selling --> pretty (E's grant) - Categorization of information (career center, where are the sample resumes?) - Make things easier to scan avoid blocks of text - Give people fewer choices - Who's your audience? It matters - Some professors should read this book - =============