- Finish a cool web application
- Feel proud of it
- Learn a bunch more random stuff
Your tasks
- Complete your project and test it thoroughly.
- Update your /api/help route to give me updated API documentation.
- Include a file webapp/readme.txt, structured like so:
AUTHORS: [your names]
DATA: [a one-sentence description of your data]
[copyright info, plus a description of how I could get your raw
data myself, including relevant links]
STATUS: [a concise description of what works, what's not working
yet, and any other information that might help me
test and evaluate your work]
NOTES: [(Optional) anything else you'd like to add]
This will overwrite your old readme.txt. That's good.
Dump your database into webapp/data.sql:
pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges -U YOURUSERNAME YOURDATABASE > data.sql
This will overwrite your previous data.sql from the end-to-end or webapp-draft assignments.
That's just fine. If I ever wanted to run the earlier versions, I could just do something like
"git checkout end-to-end".
NOTE: If your data.sql file is larger than 25MB, then don't add it to your repository.
Instead, DM it to me via Slack.
- A FAVOR FOR ME: as soon as you push your
completed project, please send me a Slack DM letting me know. I'd love
to start grading as early as possible, and
would be grateful for your help. Thanks.
How I will test and grade the final product
Keep in mind a few things about this evaluation plan.
- The rubric is weighted to reflect the emphasis of this course as a whole:
high quality code and the needs of the user are the focus, without ignoring
the fact that functioning code ("correctness") is essential, too.
- I've included a lightly-weighted "Feature Scope" to give myself a way to reward ambitious work,
without making fancy features a dominant part of the rubric. The idea here is that
a very simple project with excellent code and excellent usability should be able to
earn an A, but that extra awesomeness also deserves a small boost in score.
- Note that it is very important that your project run properly with just
"python3 app.py localhost 5000". You can test this by cloning a fresh copy of your
own repository, creating your own "webapp" database ("CREATE DATABASE webapp" in psql),
and following the steps listed above.
- Follow the specs carefully. For example, if I tell you to create
a readme.txt file, for example,
don't call it README or README.txt or readme.md or readme.docx.
- Don't forget Mr. Krug's wisdom: don't make me think!
- Think positively, and have fun! When I see a fun and interesting web application,
it's a real pleasure for me, and that is part of the subjective
category of "user experience". I have loved working with all of you, and seeing
the cool stuff you're creating is one of the great benefits of my job.
Have fun!