CS 257: Software Design

Database design

Folder: olympics

You will work alone on this assignment. Feel free to discuss it with classmates, but submit your own work.

In the big second-half-of-term project, you're going to choose and download some data, design a set of database tables to represent it, and use the downloaded data to populate your database. This process of design and data conversion takes some practice. This current assignment is intended to give you that practice.



1 - CREATE TABLE statements are in olympics-schema.sql 3 - Quality of database design (based on principles in readings and videos) 1 - author names are in a comment at the top of convert.py 3 - convert.py converts the raw CSV files (athlete_events.csv and noc_regions.csv) into CSV files matching the tables in olympics-schema.sql 3 - the output files from convert.py load successfully into the tables specified in olympics-schema.sql 4 - the SQL queries in queries.sql run correctly against the resulting populated database (1 point apiece)

Your tasks

Some hints and suggestions

Have fun!