CS 257: Software Design

Implementing a database-driven API

Folder: covid19

You have tried out a couple HTTP-based APIs, and learned a little bit how to use an API from within a Python program. You have also seen a few basic elements of API implementation with Flask. Now, you're going to design a simple database and a simple API to give access to that database, and then implement the API using Flask and PostgreSQL.

This is the data-flow sequence we'll be trying to implement. Client makes a request to Server, which makes a query of Database, which responds to Server, which responds to Client.

The data

We're going to use US COVID-19 data from the COVID Tracking Project, but instead of using their API directly, you're going to download their all-states data and load it into a database of your own to provide the data source for your API.

The database schema

Your database will consist of two tables. First, there's the states table:

CREATE TABLE states ( id SERIAL, name text, abbreviation text );

Each row of this table will represent one state, like (13, 'Minnesota', 'MN') or (53, 'Guam', 'GU'). Note that I'm making up 13 and 53 for this example. Those IDs will be whatever you deem suitable.

Each row of the second table, covid19_days, will store COVID-19 statistics for one state for one day.

CREATE TABLE covid19_days ( date date, state_id integer, new_deaths integer, new_positive_tests integer, new_negative_tests integer, new_hospitalizations integer );

So, for example, here's Minnesota for 8 Oct 2020: ('2020-10-08', 13, 6, 1271, 14147, 98)


Here are the API endpoints you'll implement:

REQUEST: /state/{state-abbreviation}/daily RESPONSE: a JSON list of dictionaries, each of which represents the COVID-19 statistics from the specified state on a single date. Each dictionary will have the following fields. date -- YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2020-10-08") state -- upper-case two-letter state abbreviation (e.g. "MN") deaths -- (integer) the number of deaths on this date positive -- (integer) the number of positive COVID-19 tests on this date negative -- (integer) the number of negative COVID-19 tests on this date hospitalizations -- (integer) the number of new hospitalizations for COVID-19 on this date REQUEST: /state/{state-abbreviation}/cumulative RESPONSE: a single JSON dictionary representing the cumulative statistics for the specified state. The dictionary will have the following fields. start_date -- YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2020-10-08") end_date -- YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2020-03-11") state -- upper-case two-letter state abbreviation (e.g. "MN") deaths -- (integer) the total number of deaths between the start and end dates (inclusive) positive -- (integer) the number of positive COVID-19 tests between the start and end dates (inclusive) negative -- (integer) the number of negative COVID-19 tests between the start and end dates (inclusive) hospitalizations -- (integer) the number of hospitalizations between the start and end dates (inclusive) REQUEST: /states/cumulative?sort=[deaths|cases|hospitalizations] RESPONSE: a JSON list of dictionaries, each representing the cumulative COVID-19 statistics for each state. The dictionaries are sorted in decreasing order of deaths, cases (i.e. positive tests), or hospitalizations, depending on the value of the GET parameter "sort". If sort is not present, then the list will be sorted by deaths. Each dictionary will have the same fields as in the /state/{state-abbreviation}/cumulative endpoint response.

Your tasks
