CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Monday, 8 May 2023 + Questions left over from the bombs + Coming up - You're going to write a simple command shell - Example command shells: bash, zsh + Processes in Unix: try these things $ ps aux $ ps auxww what does ps do? what are all the columns in the output? $ ls -l what is all that stuff? in particular, what is the -rw-r--r-- stuff on the left? $ ls > something.txt $ cat something.txt $ wc something.txt $ wc < something.txt $ cat something.txt | wc $ echo "hi there" | wc what does wc do? what does > do? what does < do? what does | do? $ top Ctrl-Z puts top to sleep $ jobs -l Shows "stopped jobs" $ fg Wakes up some stopped job - What is a process? - Signals - Interprocess communication + Command shell (bash, zsh, etc) - > - < - | - & + Sample programs - ... + Functions to get to know - fork - exec - signal - pipe - dup2