CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Wednesday, 3 May 2023 + Bomb assignment, brief setup - Reminder: registers + memory - Essential gdb concepts & commands - breakpoints - br line-number - br *0xADDRESS - clear line-number, *0xADDRESS - layout asm / layout src - run vs. continue - stepi/si vs. nexti/ni - info reg [regname] / i r [regname] - examine / x and its enormous number of variants - Start with: x/20xw $rsp <-- to see the top of the stack as ints x/20xg $rsp <-- to see the top of the stack as longs x/1ss 0xADDRESS <-- to see a null-terminated string + Go forth and do the lab + Stuff to watch out for - important: keep memory and registers straight in your head - x syntax variations - how does "little-endian" manifest itself? - ...