CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Monday, 17 April 2023 + Questions - "integer" vs. "two's complement representation of an integer" "Let N be an integer whose 32-bit two's complement representation is 0xFFFFFFED. Write N as a decimal integer." - From Friday: UTF-16BE/LE, sizeof, printf, bin <-> hex <-> dec - Pointers, pointer arithmetic, what can you change, etc. - Pointers in the memory diagram - Codepoint <--> UTF-8 encoding of the codepoint - strcpy vs. strncpy + How would you... - Determine whether a given computer's architecture was big- or little-endian? - Determine the number bytes in a C int? - Determine the character encoding used by a given text file? - + VS Code debugging revisited + Preview of next phase of the course - Meet x86_64 assembly language - asm puzzles - "bombs" lab - processes - writing a shell - buffer overflow lab - threads - networking