CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Friday, 7 April 2023 + Queues debrief? + VS Code & mantis notes - New Window + File->Open Recent... - Logging in via SSH without a password - Revisiting the VS Code debugging lab + Data representation: characters - codepoint vs. encoding codepoint - the integer associated with a character encoding - a scheme for storing codepoints in memory and files - ASCII - Unicode - encoding: UTF-16 - byte order (UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE) - encoding: UTF-8 - BOM = Byte Order Mark = 0xFEFF + Programming assignment for Tuesday - Bitwise operations - UTF-8 ---- + Data representation: integers - Two's complement integers - Non-negative N (>= 0)? leftmost bit is 0 integer is just represented in binary - Negative N (< 0)? write absolute value |N| in binary complement all bits add 1 - Cool: if you do normal addition between two's complement integers, this weird scheme works