CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Friday, 31 March 2023 + Try this - 0x1BE = 0b...? - 0b110101001010011 = 0x...? - 0b110101001010011 = 0...? - 0x1BE = ? (base ten) - 47 = 0x...? + Announcements - CS course staff for 2023-2024 -- please apply! https://forms.gle/cNbmrbZkHbXeUe5c9 Talk to Eric Alexander or Mike Tie for more info - We need an audience for Monday's job candidate Anderson 329 Monday, April 3 3:10-3:55 It will be CS 111 topics. Recruit friends in 111 and 201! + Questions - ?? - the print_grid you had vs. the print_grid you needed (an argument for carefully studying code before adapting it) [didn't talk about this today] + Today - Pointers, Makefile - Monday: - Debugging with VS Code (lab) - Characters (data representation lab, part 1) - Wednesday: Integers (data representation lab, part 2) + make and Makefiles - Build systems (gradle, maven, ant, groovy,..., gmake, cmake,...) - Structure of a Makefile + Pointers in C - What are they? - Declaration - Initialization - Dereferencing (both reading & writing) - *, & - Do the readings! Watch the ridiculous video! + The queues assignment - READ IT THIS WEEKEND - Try running the tests on the provided queue.c/queue.h --- + The queues assignment - This course & the textbook's authors - Guidance for the assignment - Start with stubs - Using the makefile to test your code - Iterative development - Why this assignment in particular? - make and Makefile