CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Wednesday, 1 November 2023 + Questions - Buffer overflow or otherwise + >, <, | > "takes the output of the command on the left and puts it in the file on the right" Example: echo "hello" > hello.txt dumps the string "hello" into the file hello.txt Called "redirecting standard output" somecommand 2> hello.txt [redirects stderr] ---- < "takes the file on the right as the input for the command on the left" wc -l < filename wc -l filename [also works] Called "redirecting standard input" ---- | "takes the standard output from the command on the left and makes it the standard input for the command on the right" cat something.c | wc -l ls | wc -l ps aux | grep jondich Called "piping output of one command into the input of another" "piping one command to another" ---- + Other cool shell things + File descriptors and >, <, |