CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Monday, 18 September 2023 + Open up your laptops and prep to discuss the queues - Download queues-package.tar from the assignment page - Copy it to your mantis account - On mantis in a terminal, "tar xvf queues-package.tar" - Now you're ready to look at queue.c and queue.h (among other things) + Queues assignment - Recommended: watch the video - Recommended: write a separate function to allocate a new node given an input string; and another function to free a given node - malloc and free - the fancy Carnegie Mellon testing infrastructure (you can also peek at the "traces") + Questions about anything ====== + Debugging with VS Code lab ====== + Integers - Base 2 (binary) 111011 - Base 8 (octal) 73 - Base 10 (decimal) 59 - Base 16 (hexadecimal) 3b - Octal: 3-bit chunks, 0 notation, %o in printf - Hexadecimal: 4-bit chunks, 0x notation, %x and %X in printf, RGB color representation + char, byte, character - ASCII - Unicode (much more next week) - od (Unix command) - hexdump (Unix command)