/** * WordCloudMaker.java * Sherri Goings, 12 Feb 2013 * Modified by Jeff Ondich, 14 Feb 2014 */ import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; public class WordCloudMaker { private static final String[] HTML_COLORS = new String[] {"FF99CC", "FF6666", "CC0000", "880000", "66FFCC", "33CC99", "009966", "006633", "00FFFF", "0099FF", "0033FF", "003388", "CC99FF", "9933FF", "6600CC", "330066"}; private static final String HTML_TEMPLATE = "\n" + "\nTITLE\n\n" + "\n


\n" + "
\n" + "WORDS\n" + "
\n" + "\n\n"; private static int colorIndex = 0; /** * Creates a word cloud based on the (word, frequency) pairs in wordCountList. * Words are sized (small to large) and colored (light to dark) proportionately to * frequency (least frequent to most). Word positions are randomized. * * NOTE: This method reorders wordCountList. * * @return a string consisting of HTML that will draw the word cloud. * @param title the desired title for the word cloud. * @param wordCountList the list of (word, frequency) pairs for which a word cloud is desired. */ public static String getWordCloudHTML(String title, ArrayList wordCountList) { // Get the maximum and minimum frequencies for the words in the wordCountList. int maximumFrequency = 0; int minimumFrequency = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (WordCount wordCount : wordCountList) { if (wordCount.count > maximumFrequency) { maximumFrequency = wordCount.count; } if (wordCount.count < minimumFrequency) { minimumFrequency = wordCount.count; } } // Shuffle wordCountList. Random randomGenerator = new Random(); for (int k = wordCountList.size(); k > 1; k--) { int indexOfItemToSwap = randomGenerator.nextInt(k); WordCount tempWordCount = wordCountList.get(k - 1); wordCountList.set(k - 1, wordCountList.get(indexOfItemToSwap)); wordCountList.set(indexOfItemToSwap, tempWordCount); } // Create a String consisting of HTML encoding of the words in wordCountList, // sized and colored appropriately for their frequencies. String wordsInHTML = ""; for (WordCount wordCount : wordCountList) { wordsInHTML += makeHTMLWord(wordCount, maximumFrequency, minimumFrequency); } // Add the HTML code to surround the words with a box String document = HTML_TEMPLATE.replaceAll("TITLE", title); document = document.replaceAll("WORDS", wordsInHTML); return document; } /** * Returns an HTML version of the specified WordCount. */ private static String makeHTMLWord(WordCount wordCount, int maximumFrequency, int minimumFrequency) { final int maximumFontSize = 96; final int minimumFontSize = 14; double ratio = (double)(wordCount.count - minimumFrequency)/(double)(maximumFrequency - minimumFrequency); int fontSize = (int)(maximumFontSize * ratio + (1 - ratio) * minimumFontSize); String color = HTML_COLORS[(int)((ratio / 1.01) * 4) + colorIndex]; colorIndex = (colorIndex + 4) % 16; String wordString = " "; wordString += wordCount.word + " \n"; return wordString; } }