CS 223
Due on paper 12:00 PM Friday, April 27, 2001

This is an open-book, open-notes, open-computer, and open-Internet exam. It is an exam, however, so limit your discussion of it to conversations with Jeff Ondich. Explain your answers clearly.

This exam has been formatted in HTML, which is not especially good at displaying mathematical notation. Where appropriate, I have used C++ style notation. Where C++ has no equivalent symbol, I have used functional notation (e.g. using Floor(N/3) to represent the floor of N divided by 3). If you have questions about any of the notaion on this exam, please let me know.

  1. (8 points) Consider the statements:

    Do the following:

  2. (8 points) Let A and B be subsets of U. Show that Union( Complement(A), B ) equals Complement( Intersection( A, Complement(B) ) ) in three different ways:

  3. (8 points) Let P be the set of all people who have ever lived. Let M : P --> P be the function defined by M(x) = the biological mother of x.

  4. (8 points) For which integer values of N is 2^N > N^2? Prove your answer by induction.

  5. (8 points) Consider once again the collection of 5-card poker hands.

  6. (3 points) I'd like to listen to some music I haven't listened to before. What do you think I should try?

  7. (8 points) Let's recap the Art Gallery Theorem discussion. Consider an N-sided simple polygon P (where "simple" means that the polygon has no holes). A point A can "see" a point B if the straight line segment connecting A and B is entirely inside P. The Art Gallery Theorem says that for any N-sided simple polygon, it is possible to select Floor(N/3) or fewer vertices such that any point inside P can be seen by at least one of the chosen vertices. In art gallery terms, you need no more than Floor(N/3) guards to make sure the whole gallery is watched at once.

    In class and on the last homework assignment, we stepped through most of the proof of the Art Gallery Theorem. What we neglected to do, however, was discuss whether Floor(N/3) might not be too large. For example, is it possible that there is some N for which all N-sided polygons can be covered by Floor(N/4) guards? The answer is no. To see why, do the following: