CS 127 Programming Examples, Winter 1998

  1. From class on 1/5/98. hello.cpp (a simple "hello world" program), vowel.cpp (a vowel-counting program), and main.cpp, stringstuff.cpp, and stringstuff.h (a two-source-file-one-header program). Compile like so: "g++ -Wall -o executablename listoffiles.cpp -lg++".
  2. From class on 1/19/98. gnustrings.cpp (a brief demonstration of the g++ String type).
  3. From class on 2/11/98. time1.cpp and time2.cpp.
  4. From class on 2/16/98. inputFiles.cpp.
  5. From class on 3/6/98. args.cpp.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057, (507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu