CS 127
Midterm 1
Friday, February 7, 2003

This is a closed-book exam. Explain your answers clearly. Stay cool.

  1. (12 points) Suppose we are implementing a queue of characters using a circular array with N entries, encapsulated in a class like so:

        const int N = ??;
        class Queue
            virtual     ~Queue();
            void        Add( char ch );
            void        Delete();
            char        Front();
            bool        IsFull();
            bool        IsEmpty();
            char        mQueue[N];
            int         mFront;
            int         mBack;

    Suppose we initialize both mFront and mBack to zero to create an empty queue.

  2. (9 points) For each of the following algorithms, describe the running time T(N) in terms of big oh, omega, and theta.

  3. (6 points) The C++ keyword const can appear in several different contexts. Show brief examples of three different kinds of uses of const, and explain what const means in each example.

  4. (6 points) When we overloaded operator<< for the ListString class, we used the following interface:

    ostream& operator<<( ostream& out, const ListString& s );

  5. (2 points) What movie should I watch this weekend?

  6. (8 points) Consider the following code:

    	class Node
    		char	mData;
    		Node	*mNext;
    	Node *head = NULL;
    	// ...later that very same program...
    	// head now points to a linked list of some unknown length.

  7. (9 points) Show the output produced during the run of the following program. Explain briefly why each function call occurs. (Some explanations will be easy--for example, "ThisFunction() got called explicitly by main()"--but others will be trickier.)

        #include	<iostream>
        class Something
           int                mNothing;
                              Something( int N );
                              Something( const Something& otherThing );
            const Something&  operator=( const Something& otherThing );
            void              Print() const;
           cout << "Something()" << endl;
           mNothing = 0;
        Something::Something( int N )
           cout << "Something( " << N << ")" << endl;
           mNothing = N;
        Something::Something( const Something& otherThing )
           cout << "Something( otherThing : " << otherThing.mNothing << ")" << endl;
           mNothing = otherThing.mNothing;
           cout << "~Something(), " << mNothing << endl;
        const Something& Something::operator=( const Something& otherThing )
           cout << "operator=" << endl;
           mNothing = otherThing.mNothing;
           return( *this );
        void Something::Print() const
           cout << "Print: " << mNothing;
        void ThisFunction( Something thisThing )
           cout << "This thing has value ";
           cout << endl;
        void ThatFunction( const Something& thatThing )
           Something	theOtherThing = thatThing;
           cout << "That thing has value ";
           cout << endl;
           cout << "The other thing has value ";
           cout << endl;
        int main()
           Something	a;
           Something	b( 17 );
           Something	c = b;
           ThisFunction( a );
           ThatFunction( b );
           return( 0 );