{ hello3.p Started by Jeff Ondich on 1/2/96 Last modified: 3/25/96 This program asks for your name and age, and greets you accordingly. It's ridiculous, but it illustrates the if-then-else structure, and it contains a procedure. } program helloOnceAgain(input,output); var name : string(40); age : integer; begin write( 'What''s your name? ' ); readln( name ); write( 'How old are you? ' ); readln( age ); if age > 55 then writeln( 'It''s a pleasure to meet you, ', name, '.' ) else if age > 42 then writeln( 'Far out, ', name, '.' ) else if age > 30 then writeln( 'Wow! It''s cool to meet you, ', name, '.' ) else writeln( 'Awesome to meet you, ', name, '.' ) end.