CS 117 Programming Examples

  1. From class on 11/13/96. A couple of programs demonstrating how to read from and write to files without using Unix command-line assistance (inputFiles.p and outputFiles.p).
  2. From class on 11/6/96. A program to demonstrate the use of linked lists to represent character strings (liststrings.p).
  3. From class on 11/1/96. A program to test Insertion Sort and Selection Sort on a large array of integers. This program includes a "shuffle" procedure that might be profitably modified to shuffle a deck of cards. (sort.p)
  4. From class on 10/30/96. A program to test Insertion Sort and Selection Sort (sorts.p).
  5. From class on 10/23/96. Some programs illustrating recursion (recursiveFib.p, iterativeFib.p, hanoi.p, and sierpinski.p)
  6. From class on 10/16/96. A program that illustrates the finite size of an integer variable (goingup.p).
  7. From class on 9/30/96. A program illustrating some basic ideas about arrays (average.p).
  8. From class on 9/23/96. One silly program (sesame.p) that starts our discussion of variable parameters.
  9. From class on 9/11/96. Three "hello world" programs (hello.p, hello2.p, hello3.p) and a program with a function (dogYears.p).

    Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
    (507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu