CS 117 Assignment: Dice

Assigned Tuesday, 9/27/05.
Due 5:00PM Saturday, 10/1/05.

I have begun a class called Die, intended to represent a single standard 6-sided die, to be displayed on screen as a square filled with the appropriate number of dots depending on the value of the die. You can get the code for Die from Die.java or by copying (using the cp command) from /Accounts/courses/cs117/ondich/Die.java. I also have a small testing class called DieTester.java, also available from /Accounts/courses/cs117/ondich/DieTester.java.

When you read Die.java, you will see that most of the methods are stubs--that is, they do essentially nothing. Your job is to fill in the stubs with code that does what the comments describe. You may modify DieTester any way you wish to perform whatever testing you need.

You should hand in Die.java, and you may also submit your copy of DieTester.java. The grader, however, will use his own version of DieTester.java to see whether your Die.java works properly. Note that this means you must not change the names, return types, or parameter lists of the methods in Die.

Start early, and have fun.