CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science

Working on your own computer

Among those students who own their own computers, many prefer to set up their computers with the software required for doing CS111 work. Doing this setup is an idiosyncratic business, so it's hard to give explicit step-by-step guidance that works for everyone. The CS Department tries to provide some pointers on setting up your own computer, but doesn't guarantee that we can help you make everything work. If you can't get things working on your own machine, you can always use our labs (CMC 102, 304, 306).

That said, here are a few notes that might help.

First, here's what you will need:

How to install this software depends mostly on your computer's operating system. Here's a little guidance on the Unix and Python 3 installations. The text editor should be straight-forward to install, so I'll leave you on your own for that.