Pen-Testing Comps Monday, 22 January 2024 + A few initial steps when attacking a target - I'm assuming you know the IP or you need to do host detection - Port scan to discover services - Public exploit search for services - Web server? - Poke around, with and without Burp Suite - File upload? - Directory traversal? Local/remote file inclusion? - SQL injection? - directory enumeration (gobuster) - subdomain enumeration (gobuster) (not relevant for us, since we'll just be using IPs and not domain names this term) (although, wait a sec...maybe...I'll think about it) - ... - Password spraying + Host detection nmap -sn + "Enumeration": port scanning - I like this for starters: nmap -sV -oN OUTPUT_FILE -Pn IP_OF_TARGET This tests the most common 1000 ports and gives a little info about them. The "-Pn" is only if you are sure the computer is there at the IP address you have in hand. - -p- tests all 2^16 ports, but it's slow - -sC (in addition to -sV) finds more info about common services - -Pn