Pen-Testing Comps Monday, 8 January 2024 + No office hours Wednesday + bandit debrief + Essential Unix commands and concepts? - cat, ls -alh, file, cd, man, exit, - |, >, <, 2>/dev/null, ... - nmap, ssh, openssl, ping - reading the manual - permissions (chmod, chown, ls -l) - setuid - ... + Ways to make Unix (intentionally or not) insecure? - Badly set permissions - Openly available passwords - Crackable/guessable passwords - No limit to number of password guesses - Not changing defaults (kali/kali, for example) - using obscurity (e.g. weird locations) to store secret info put secret info in "hidden" files - git-related stuff - secrets in old commits - secrets in tags and log messages - cron-related stuff? - ??? + Lab: web servers using Kali + Coming up - Unix / Linux [week 1] - Web [week 2] - Taking notes and writing walkthroughs [week 3] - Creating and sharing VMs [week 3] - Simple pen-testing methodology [week 3, 4] - Creating your first vulnerable machine before midterm and trying to hack into other people's first efforts [weeks 4, 5]