Pen-Testing Comps Friday, 5 January 2024 + Small groups - How far did you get with bandit? - How much time did you spend to get there? - Interesting things you learned? - 2>/dev/null - tr - find - | - decode (base64 -d) - Frustrating things? - crazily over-compressed - uniq -- how does it work? (adjacent lines) - regex - the recommended commands weren't obviously applicable - + Techical questions - bandit14 -> bandit15 + Writeups - Audience? - Goals? - Let's compare styles & formats + Start a list: Unix stuff you'll want to know - ls, ls -a, ls -l ... - cat, mv, cp, rm - man - pwd,diff, grep, find - . and .. - echo - |, >, <, & - 2>, >&, ... - drwx, rws, chmod, chown ... + Phases of study - Unix / Linux - This weekend, finish up bandit and watch those videos - Kali tricks python3 -m http.server 80 - Web - command injection - SQLi - upload