Setting up your work environment

You'll need to work on your own computer for this, since it involves setting up your computer. But take advantage of our Slack workspace to ask questions, and feel free to get help pretty much anywhere.


Part 1: Slack

Part 2: Kali Linux

For most of our work this term, we're going to use tools installed on the Kali distribution of Linux in a virtual machine. There are several good reasons for this setup:

If your computer runs macOS, you can use the UTM virtual machine software free of charge. If you use Windows or Linux, you'll use VMWare. (Carleton has a VMWare license, so if you let me know you need it, Mike Tie will send you an email with a link where you can download VMWare for free.) When you're ready to install Kali, pick the appropriate instructions link below. (Big thanks to Mike Tie and his student workers for preparing these instructions over the summer.)

Part 3: git and GitHub

To submit your work for this class and to support collaborative work with your classmates, you will use a git repository to store your code, documentation, presentations, etc.

Here's the short version of your git setup tasks:

Don't know anything or much at all about git? Check out my brief git startup instructions from last fall's security class.

Part 4: what to hand in, and how

All done