Statistics Class Survey


DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THIS PAPER. Your answers are completely private. We will use these data throughout the term.


  1. Class (Fr/So/Jr/Se)? _________                       2. Male or female? ______________


3.   How tall are you, to the nearest inch?  __________. 


4.   How many brothers and sisters do you have? ________


5.   What’s your GPA? _______________


6.   Estimate the number of passengers worldwide who died in plane crashes last year _____.


7.   Indicate your political views by circling an appropriate number


            Left                                                                                   Right

            1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9 


8.   Pick a random integer between 1 and 10. _____________________


9.   I just tossed 20 coins. How many heads do you think I got? __________.


10.  How much did you spend on your last haircut? _________________


11.  How much exercise do you get per week (in hours)? __________________


12. Is the region you are from primarily urban (U), suburban (S), or rural (R)? _____


13. Take your pulse and estimate your pulse rate per minute _______________.


14. How much did you spend on textbooks last semester?  _______________ .


15. What is your eye color? Blue _____, Hazel ____, Brown ____, Other _______


16. How many countries have you visited? __________________


17.  How many CDs do you own? ____________________


18. How much time do you typically spend watching TV per week? __________________.


19. According to, music can be broken down into the following 8 genres:

      Classical, Electronica, Jazz & Blues, Metal & Punk Rock,

      New Age, Rock & Pop, World, Other


      Which of these is your favorite? ________________.


      Which of these is your least favorite? ________________.


20. How old do you think your statistics professor is? ______________