Create two versions of a light follower, using the construction that you've built:

  1. Have the servo with the photocell on it continually sweep back and forth, and then have it stop and move to the brightest point it had seen. Delay a moment, then repeat: sweep again, then after sweeping, point to the brightest spot. Repeat forever.
  2. As an alternative approach, Have the servo with the photocell on it continually sweep back and forth, and have the second servo act as a pointer to point to the brightest spot. The first servo should never stop sweeping; the second servo should move when it can to update its estimate as to where the light source is
  3. As a third and final program, modify either of the above two to add some sort of artificial intelligence to it. Perhaps you might try to have the sweeping servo be smarter about trying to locate the light.

Be prepared to show off your construction in class, and submit your software here.