Creating a "Car".

1. Create a class called Car. Within this class, you should have instance variables that represent year manufactured, miles driven, manufacturer name, and model name. You should provide "setter" (mutator) methods for updating these data values, namely:

public void setYearManufactured(int year);
public void setMilesDriven(int miles);
public void setManufacturerName(String name);
public void setModelName(String name);
You should also provide "getter" (accessor) methods for obtaining these data values, namely:
public int getYearManufactured();
public int getMilesDriven();
public String getManufacturerName();
public String getModelName();

Make sure to include a constructor. As you write each method, test it in another class called CarTester, which contains your main method.

2. It turns out that a car might be sold to a recent immigrant from Canada. Therefore, you want to be able to report the distance driven in kilometers instead of miles. Add a method called "getKilometersDriven" that returns the distance driven in kilometers instead of miles. (Useful information: 1 mile = 1.6094 kilometers.)