Machine Learning and Data Mining Assignments

For those assignments which are reading assignments, you should do the following:

Assignment 0: Introductions. Assigned on Monday, 3/28. Due on Tuesday, 3/29, by 11:55 pm.

Reading: Data Mining and Statistics: What's the Connection? Caucus postings due Wednesday, 3/30, by 7 am.

Assignment 1: Getting Started. Assigned on Monday, 3/28. Due on Friday, 4/1, in class.

Reading: Nearest Neighbor Queries. Caucus postings due Monday, 4/4, by 7 am.

Assignment 2: k-Nearest Neighbor. Assigned on Friday, 4/1. Due on Friday, 4/8 in class.

Assignment 3: Clustering. Assigned on Friday, 4/8. Due on Friday, 4/15 in class.

Reading: Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases Caucus postings due Wednesday, 4/13, by 7 am.

Reading: CURE: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large Databases. Caucus postings due Wednesday, 4/20, by 7 am.

Assignment 4: Agglomerative Clustering. Assigned on Monday, 4/18. Due on Monday, 4/25 in class.

Exam 1. Assigned on Monday, 4/25. Due on Friday, 4/29 in class.

Assignment 5: Association Rules. Assigned on Friday, 4/29. Due on Monday, 5/9 in class.

Reading: The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. Caucus postings due Friday, 5/6, by 7 am.

Reading: Mining the link structure of the World Wide Web. Caucus postings due Wednesday, 5/11, by 7 am.

Assignment 7: PageRank. Assigned on Wednesday, 5/10. Due on Wednesday, 5/17 in class.

Reading: Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering. Caucus postings due Monday, 5/23, by 7 am.

Video. Data Mining: Good, Bad, or Just a Tool? Caucus postings before class on Friday, 5/20. Watch video in class, and post again by 7 am on Monday, 5/23.

Final Project. Due Monday 6/6, at the end of the last exam. If you happen to finish it early, let me know via an email so I can start grading it early since I'm going to be crunched at the end of exam week. Thanks!

Exam 2. Assigned on Friday, 4/27. Due on Wednesday, 6/1 in class.