CS 334: Page Organization


In this assignment, you will implement the structure for a page that contains variable width records via the use of a slot array.

Preliminary Work

Begin by reading the description of file organization techniques in section 11.6 of the text book, focusing specifically on section 11.6.2.

For this assignment, you will be implementing the pageorg module, which is a collection of functions that manipulates data on a page. You will implement the approach described in section 11.6.2.

Getting Started

Start by grabbing the files pageorg.py and pageorg_tester.py. Here's what you're getting:

Multiple parts

Part 1: Make some attempt at implementing the function insertRecord. It can be buggy. So long as you submit something that illustrates you clearly gave this an honest try, you'll get full credit for this part. Your main goal is to get your head into this so you can bring questions to class. Submit your work so far.

Part 2: Get the first two tests (i.e., test1 and test2) to run correctly.

Part 3: Get the rest of the functions in pageorg.py implemented, and get as many of the tests as you can to run correctly.

Handing in Your Code

If you are working in a team, only one of you should submit the code. Make sure that both of your names appear in program documentation at the top.

Zip up all of your code, and submit it via Moodle.

Good luck, have fun, and ask questions!