Each assignment will have a specific time for which it will be due, and your electronic submissions are timestamped. You have seven "late-days" that you can use at anytime during the term, with no explanation or request needed. If you are off-campus, if you are sick, etc., these are all exactly the sorts of situations for which these late-days apply. You automatically use up a late-day for every 24 hour period that passes when you turn in an assignment late. For example, if you turn in two assignments late, each 17 hours after the due time, that counts as two late-days. Likewise, if you submit a single assignment 30 hours after the due time, that also counts as two late-days. Assignments that are turned in late after your late-days are used up will not receive any credit. This artificial Moodle assignment uses the feedback section to indicate the number of late days you have left.