CS 327: Artificial Intelligence, Winter 2000

Instructor Information


Important Dates

Class Website

Your Grade

Assignments & Class Project


You are encouraged to work together, given the following ground rules:
  1. Non-computer assignments: You should turn in your own assignment. You may work with other people, but each of you should be turning in your own.
  2. Computer assignments: You may work together on these in pairs, if you wish. Include everyone's names in documentation at the top. Make sure to cite any ideas you get from other people.
  3. Take-home exams: Do these completely on your own. You can discuss them only with me.
  4. Final project: You may do this in pairs, if you wish.
Each section of the class will have its own grader. This has the following ramifications on collaboration:
  1. Non-computer assignments: Since you will be turning in your own assignment anyway, you may collaborate with anyone you wish in either section.
  2. Computer assignments: You may discuss the computer assignments with anyone in either section. However, if you choose to turn in one program with a partner, you both must be in the same section. Otherwise, we would end up having both graders grading the same project, which would be bad for lots of reasons :)
  3. Take-home exams: No collaboration, so no issues here.
  4. Final project: I will be grading these, so you can work with someone in another section if you wish. You will both receive the same grade for the project, but keep in mind that I will be assigning class grades within each section independently.

Homework Policy

The Mechanics of Getting Help


We will cover approximately the following material in Russell & Norvig: