CS 327 / CGST 360 Assignments

Assignment 1 (CS 327 only): Lisp lab wrapup

Do the exercises at the end of the introductory Lisp lab.
Assigned on Wednesday, 9/15.
Due on Friday, 9/17, by 4:45 PM.

Assignment 1 (CGST 360 only): Chapter 1 wrapup

Submit answers to exercises 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12.
Assigned on Monday, 9/13.
Due at the beginning of class on Friday, 9/17.

Assignment 2: Vacuum-World Simulator / Intelligent Agents

Assigned on: Friday, 9/17.
Due on: Friday, 9/24 (written material in class; electronic materials by 5 pm.)

Assignment 3: Intelligent Search

Assigned on: Friday, 9/24.
Due on: Friday, 10/1 (written material in class; electronic materials by 5 pm.)

Assignment A: Vacuum-World with LEGOs

Sign up throughout the term.

Assignment 4: Game Playing

Assigned on: Friday, 10/1.
Due on: Monday, 10/11 (written material in class; electronic materials by 5 pm.)

Assignment 5: Decision Trees

Assigned on: Wednesday, 10/20.
Due on: Monday, 10/25 (written material in class; electronic materials by 5 pm.)

Assignment 6: NNs and SVMs

Assigned on: Monday, 10/25.
Due on paper in class on Monday, 11/1.

Assignment 7: Propositional Logic

Assigned on: Friday, 11/5.
Due on paper in class on Wednesday, 11/10.