CS 324: Some comments about readings


Here's some philosophy as to what I hope to achieve with the course readings: the goal is to pre-prepare your brain for the things we do in class. There have been a number of educational studies now that show that new ideas take a little time and effort to get into medium and long term memory, which is where you need them to actually be able to work with them. If the first time you see a new idea is in class, your short-term memory tends to lock up with it, and it's harder to be able to do interesting things with it. Another take on this concept is summarized here.

To that end, my goal is for these assigned readings to help familiarize you with the most important ideas for class. There are two key issues I want to make sure you know about:

Your tasks

For each assigned reading, you should post either a question you have about the reading, or some comment associated with it. You don't need to work very hard at this; if there's something you don't understand, ask it; alternatively, if there's something that catches your attention, mention it or quote it. You don't need to be innovative. In fact, if everyone in the class has the same question, that's a really important point for me to notice. Though we're not using Moodle in general for the course website, I've linked to a Moodle forum, with readings numbered, where you can post questions and comments.

Some specifics about our text

Finally, some specifics: I'll be skipping assigned readings in chapters 1 and 2 in the textbook.