import othelloBoard '''You should modify the chooseMove code for the ComputerPlayer class. You should also modify the heuristic function, which should return a number indicating the value of that board position (the bigger the better). We will use your heuristic function when running the tournament between players. Feel free to add additional methods or functions.''' class HumanPlayer: '''Interactive player: prompts the user to make a move.''' def __init__(self,name,color): = name self.color = color def chooseMove(self,board): while True: try: move = eval('(' + raw_input( + \ ': enter row, column (or type "0,0" if no legal move): ') \ + ')') if len(move)==2 and type(move[0])==int and \ type(move[1])==int and (move[0] in range(1,9) and \ move[1] in range(1,9) or move==(0,0)): break print 'Illegal entry, try again.' except Exception: print 'Illegal entry, try again.' if move==(0,0): return None else: return move def heuristic(board): '''This very silly heuristic just adds up all the 1s, -1s, and 0s stored on the othello board.''' sum = 0 for i in range(1,othelloBoard.size-1): for j in range(1,othelloBoard.size-1): sum += board.array[i][j] return sum class ComputerPlayer: '''Computer player: chooseMove is where the action is.''' def __init__(self,name,color,heuristic,plies): = name self.color = color self.heuristic = heuristic self.plies = plies def chooseMove(self,board): '''This very silly player just returns the first legal move that it finds.''' for i in range(1,othelloBoard.size-1): for j in range(1,othelloBoard.size-1): bcopy = board.makeMove(i,j,self.color) if bcopy: print 'Heuristic value = ',self.heuristic(bcopy) return (i,j) return None