Here is the link to the self-designed assignment.

PLEASE help make sure that I can run your code. I have struggled to get to run over half of the early submissions I've gotten so far. If I am unable to run your code on the second version, no late updates or sets of instructions are permitted by college policy, and you will receive a low grade.

Here are two things that you should do to help me run your code. Do both of these things.

  1. Get your code to run on mirage
  2. Get a friend to make sure your instructions are clear

More details on each of these follow below.

Get your code to run on mirage

One of the problems I have been having is that people are using libraries that are dependent on the version of Python they happen to have installed on their laptops, which makes it very difficult for me to test. Our department server mirage is a standard environment that anyone can use, and anyone can install Python libraries on it. You can use the command ssh to connect from a terminal window on Mac or Linux, or from WSL on Windows, to mirage:


(where you substitute your username as appropriate above).

If you're using Python, keep track of what pip install commands you need to run your code, and make this clear in your submission. In your instructions, explain what I need to do in order to get your code running on mirage if at all possible.

Get a friend to make sure your instructions are clear

Get a friend to follow your instructions and get your code running, to see if your instructions make sense. Someone from your in-class worksheet group, with whom you didn't work on your assignment, might be a great choice.