As we're going up against the week 7 drop and/or scrunch deadline, I have prepared a current grade guess for everyone. I hope this is helpful! Please remember that there are a number of significant assignments out there that haven't been graded or done yet, and there's also another exam. The guess I'm making is exactly that: a guess. It isn't a contract or a promise. It's the best I've got.

For most people, the course grade guess looks like a three-letter-grade range. Here's an example of what you'll find in Moodle, in an assignment in week 7 titled "Week 7 course grade guess":


That would mean that I think your course grade, were I to do it now, based on what you have done, will likely be something like a B, a B+, or an A-.

I suspect a common question from some folks will be "can I do better than one of the grades in my estimate?" The answer is potentially yes -- you could improve further from that range, at least a little -- and it would take consistently stronger and more solid work for the remainder of the term that's considerably better than you've done to date. (Of course, the opposite is true as well!)