Grading for Programming Language Talks                                                                Total Score:



Exceptional (4 pts)

Competent (3 pts)

Acceptable (2 pts)

Developing (1 pts)

Beginning (0 pts)

Language Purpose and Design

(1) why the language was created

(2) what the design goals for the language were

(3) what the structure of the language looks like

(4) how the design goals influenced its structure.

You have successfully addressed all four of the criteria on the left.

You have successfully addressed three of the criteria on the left.

You have successfully addressed two of the criteria on the left.

You have successfully addressed one of the criteria on the left.

You have successfully addressed none of the criteria on the left.

Sample Code

Your sample program is well-chosen in that it demonstrates by example how the syntax of the language reflects its purpose. Your clear explanation demonstrates that you understand well how this code sample works.

Your sample program is well-chosen in that it demonstrates by example how the syntax of the language reflects its purpose.

Your sample program conveys a sense of the language.

You have a sample program.

You have provided no sample program, or the one you have provided are considerably flawed.


You have accurately described when the language was developed, qualitatively described how it has evolved, and clearly motivated why this language is considered important from a historical perspective.

You have accurately described when the language was developed, qualitatively described how it has evolved, and attempted to explain why this language is considered important from a historical perspective.

You have accurately described when the language was developed and you have qualitatively described how it has evolved.

You have accurately described some of the history of the language, but you have left important aspects or included too much irrelevant detail.

You have provided no historical reference, or your information is incorrect.


(1) code samples

(2) summary info

(3) citations

(4) well laid-out

Of the criteria on the left, your handout contains all four of these done correctly.

Of the criteria on the left, your handout contains the first three done correctly.

Of the criteria on the left, your handout contains two of the first three done correctly.

Of the criteria on the left, your handout contains one of the first two done correctly.

Your handout is missing, incomplete, incoherent, or more than two sides of a page.


Your talk runs within 8-10 minutes without obvious padding or slashing to make it fit.

Your talk runs within 8-10 minutes.

Your talk runs within 7-8 minutes, or within 10-12 minutes.

Your talk runs within 5-7 minutes, or within 12-14 minutes.

Your talk runs under 5 minutes, or over 14 minutes.


You speak clearly, efficiently, and confidently. Your visual aids* are appropriate in quantity and content. You integrate your visual aids well into your presentation so that they enhance understanding, but do not serve as a script for you.

You speak clearly and efficiently. Your visual aids* are appropriate in quantity and content, and they enhance understanding of your presentation.

You speak clearly. Your visual aids* are appropriate in quantity and content.

Your presentation makes sense much of the time, and your visual aids are not incorrect.

You exhibit poor presentation skills.



* Visual Aids can be blackboard, presentation software, just referring people to the handout, or other ideas. There is not a single right way to do this.