Here's how you can get your Arduino to tell your laptop to play a music or sound file. To do this, find a music or a sound file you'd like your laptop to play. we've successfully gotten it to work with MP3 files; I suspect other formats will work too. The idea is that you're going to create an Arduino program to write bytes to the serial connection to your computer, across the USB cable; then you'll use Python to monitor that connection, and if a certain code is detected, then to play a sound. Here is some sample code.

Arduino program:

int button = 2;
byte arbitraryCode = 97;
void setup() {
void loop() {
  if (!digitalRead(button)) {

Now here's the Python program (thanks to Danny Maya). You'll first need to download and install pySerial for your computer. Also pay careful attention to the string in the serial.Serial method call; this may read very differently on your computer. It's whatever port shows up when you select "Tools, Ports" in the Arduino software.

import serial
import pygame
import time

for i in range(4):
    message = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART')
    sentMessage =
    if str(sentMessage) == "b'A'":   # the capital letter 'A' is an ASCII 97
        print("play sound 1")
        print("Message: " + str(sentMessage))