CS 217: Programming Languages
Tentative Schedule
Day of Term Day of Week Date Topics Readings in advance Assignments
1 Wednesday 1/3 Introduction to course, Compilation and Interpretation Scott Chapter 1  
2 Friday 1/5 Scheme The Scheme Programming Language Chapters 1-2 Introduction Assignment due, Scheme lab part 2 #2 due
3 Monday 1/8 Scheme   Scheme lab part 6 #4 due
4 Wednesday 1/10 Scheme The Scheme Programming Language Chapter 3.3 Scheme warmup due
5 Friday 1/12 Programming Language Syntax Scott Chapter 2.1 Scheme Binary Search Trees due
6 Monday 1/15 Programming Language Syntax Scott Chapter 2.1 Scheme Lazy Lists due
7 Wednesday 1/17 Names, Scopes, and Bindings Scott Chapter 3 Chapter 2 written due
8 Friday 1/19 Names, Scopes, and Bindings Scott Chapter 3 Scheme Mergesort due
9 Monday 1/22 Names, Scopes, and Bindings; Control Flow Scott Chapter 3, Scott Chapter 6 Scheme Currying due
10 Wednesday 1/24 Control Flow Scott Chapter 6 Chapter 3 written due
11 Friday 1/26 Control Flow Scott Chapter 6 Scheme Sieve due
12 Monday 1/29 Control Flow; Data Types Scott Chapter 6, Scott Chapter 7 Chapter 6 written due
13 Wednesday 1/31 Data Types Scott Chapter 7 Scheme Set Operations due
14 Friday 2/2 Data Types Scott Chapter 7  
15 Monday 2/5 BREAK    
  Wednesday 2/7 Exam 1    
16 Friday 2/9 Lambda Calculus Scott Chapter 10.6 (on CD) Scheme Nested Sets due
17 Monday 2/12 Lambda Calculus Scott Chapter 10.6 (on CD) Chapter 7 written due
18 Wednesday 2/14 Prolog lab Adventure in Prolog Chapter 10.6 written due
19 Friday 2/16 Prolog Adventure in Prolog Prolog lab due
20 Monday 2/19 Prolog Scott Chapter 11 Prolog warmup due
21 Wednesday 2/21 Subroutines and Control Abstraction Scott Chapter 8 Prolog Median due
22 Friday 2/23 Subroutines and Control Abstraction Scott Chapter 8 Prolog Send More Money due
23 Monday 2/26 Java; Data Abstraction and Object Orientation Scott Chapter 9 Prolog Subsets due
24 Wednesday 2/28 Java; Data Abstraction and Object Orientation Scott Chapter 9 Chapter 8 written due
25 Friday 3/2 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation Scott Chapter 9 Prolog Set Equality due
26 Monday 3/5 Data Abstraction and Object Orientation; Data Types Scott Chapter 9 Java Sorting due
27 Wednesday 3/7 Language Talks   Chapter 9 written due
28 Friday 3/9 Language Talks   Java Sieve due
Self-scheduled     Exam 2