Peer Evaluation Form Since you are working on a team, I would like some information as to how the experience went. Specifically, I want you to give me an honest appraisal of the work that both you and your partner(s) did on your assignments. Providing an honest appraisal of peers is difficult, but important. This is the only way for me to really know how balanced the contribution was for your team. Save or copy this file into a directory of your choosing, then open it with your favorite editor (or copy directly into an email message). Type in your answers to the following questions. When done, email me your responses. I will treat your responses as confidential information, and not share them with anyone else in the class. If you are in a group of three students, any questions about "your partner" should be answered separately for each partner. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your partner's name? 3. Provide a short summary of your contributions to the assignments. Did you contribute a fair share of the work? 4. Provide a short summary of your partner's contributions to the assignments. Did your partner contribute a fair share of the work? 5. When working together, what percentage of the time would you estimate that you spent "driving" at the computer? What percentage of the time did your partner spend "driving" at the computer? (These should hopefully add up to 100%.) 6. Pair programming should be done with both of you at the computer at the same time, working together. Did it work out this way? That is, did you and your partner work entirely together side-by-side for the assignments that you turned in? Did you or your partner do any of the work without your partner present? 7. If not already addressed above, tell me something positive about your partner. 8. If not already addressed above, tell me something critical about your partner. (Yes, you must answer this question.) 9. Is there anything else that I should know about the general experience of pair programming, or how you and your partner worked out? Non-confidential portion 10. Is there any feedback you can provide about your partner that I can share, if the need arises? You should feel completely free to leave this section blank if you wish. Alternatively, if you want some constructive feedback about your partner to make its way back through me, this is the place to indicate it.