Binary Search Trees (team assignment)

Write Scheme functions that implement integer binary search trees. A non-empty binary search tree can be represented as a list of three entries. The first entry is a node's value (an integer), the middle is the node's left subtree, and the last is a node's right subtree. Non-empty left and right subtrees are themselves lists of three elements. An empty tree is represented as an empty list. For example, the list

(5 () ())

represents a tree whose only node is the leaf 5. The list

(5 (3 () (4 () ()) ) ())

represents the tree whose root node is 5 and has only one child, a left child, 3: this left child has only one child, a right child, 4. In a binary search tree it is always the case that values in the left subtree are less than the root's value, and values in the right subtree are greater than the root's value. You may assume that a binary search tree that is given to you will never have duplicate entries, but you will need to make sure when inserting a new entry that it is not a duplicate.

Write the following functions:

Return an empty tree.

(null-bst? bst)
Return true (#t) if bst is empty, and false (#f) otherwise.

(entry bst)
(left bst)
(right bst)

These functions return the node, left subtree, and right subtree, respectively, of bst. If bst is empty or if bst does not contain three entries where the last two are lists, return #f.

(make-bst elt left right)
This function creates a new tree whose root node is elt, left subtree is left, and right subtree is right. You should check that elt is in fact a number, and that left and right are either empty lists or lists of three elements each where the last two are lists. Return #f is the input is bad.

(preorder bst)
Print each node in bst in preorder (the root of bst, then the left subtree in preorder, then the right subtree in preorder). Use the Scheme function (print) to write out each number, and use the Scheme code (write-char #\space) to put a space between each item that you print.

(inorder bst)
Print each node in bst inorder (the left subtree inorder, then the node, then the right subtree inorder).

(postorder bst)
Print each node in bst in postorder (the left subtree in postorder, then the right subtree in postorder, then the node).

(insert v bst)
Return a new binary search tree identical to bst but with integer v appearing in its proper location. The tree pointed to by bst should not change. Smaller values are inserted to the left of a node, larger values to the right of a node. If v is already in the tree, just return the original tree without changing it. You may assume that bst and all its subtrees are valid binary search trees.

You must use recursion, and not iteration. You may not use side-effects (e.g. set!).

Submit your code in a file called bst.scm.