Student Presentations: More Information

As you prepare your presentation, you should make sure to cover the following information:

The companion CD that comes with your textbook has a Resources section with many languages and links for them. You may find this useful. There are undoubtedly other useful resources on the web and in the library as well.

You should also prepare a handout for the class that is a reference card, or "cheat sheet," for the language itself. It should be no more than two sides of a sheet of paper, and should include the basic language syntax and some examples. Make sure to include your references on here as well.

I will be grading the reference cards and the presentations on content as well as presentation. Keep in mind that the talk is only 10 minutes - you should choose an appropriate amount of material for such a short timeframe. I am happy to talk with you in advance to help balance appropriate content for your talk, if you wish.

The first two presentations are crucial, as we will discuss their pros and cons in class. I promise to be tasteful in my comments! I will grade the first two presentations more leniently.

Here is the "checklist" that I will use when grading the presentations:

Good luck!