CS 217: Programming Languages, Spring 2002

Instructor Information



Class Website

Your Grade

Assignments & Presentation


You are encouraged to work together, given the following ground rules:
  1. Assignments: You should turn in your own assignment. You may work with other people, but each of you should be turning in your own. Make sure to give people credit where they have helped out, particularly with programming assignments. If I discover that two people have turned in the same programs with variables and functions renamed, I will not hesitate to charge them with plagiarism. I use software to track down instances of plagiarism.
  2. Take-home exam portions: Do these completely on your own. You can discuss them only with me, though I won't say much :) Again, I will charge students with cheating if I find evidence of this.
  3. Presentation: Work in pairs. Use any references and people for help that you like, but make sure to attribute them appropriately.

Homework Policy