CS 127 Assignments

Assignment 0: Warming up, and shaking off the rust

Assigned on Monday, 9/13.
Due by 5 PM on Wednesday, 9/15.

1. Make sure that you can log on to one of the department Linux computers. Start up Mozilla, and go to your webmail at https://webmail.carleton.edu/carlmail. Send me an e-mail message at dmusican. In particular, tell me about your experiences with computers, what inspired you to take this course (which of my courses are you in?), and what you hope to get out of it.

2. Take a look at this program, FileInputDemo.java. Copy it to a directory of your own, compile it, and run it. Read through the program to get a sense of how it works, then modify it so that it also counts how many lines that it reads. At the end of its run, it should print out this count (with a message that says something like "The number of lines read = ...". Electronically submit your code with the hsp program; for more information, visit http://webapps.acs.carleton.edu/curricular/cs/resources/hsp/.